How to Write Newsworthy Articles


News is information about current events, obtained at every moment and from everywhere, and conveyed promptly to the public. It must be impartial, in accordance with the ethical rules of its profession.

Obviously, not everything that happens is newsworthy. What is important depends on the interests of society. If a wall collapses, for example, it will probably be of interest to farmers, but not to everyone else. Likewise, the death of a famous person may be newsworthy to some, but not to others. Other events which are newsworthy include those that affect people, for example a war, a cyclone or a bush fire. It also includes events which are not natural, but that could cause harm to people if they occur, for example pollution or a flood.

In addition to the importance of the event, it must be of sufficient interest to warrant an article in a newspaper or on a television or radio program. The news media must decide what is significant enough to be included in their reporting, and the journalists will make judgments about what constitutes the most interesting and significant events. These judgements will be influenced by many factors, including the perceived urgency of the event and its effect on the community.

It is a common belief that the purpose of the news media – newspapers, magazines, radio and television – is to entertain as well as inform. This is not necessarily true, however. In fact, the entertainment is usually provided by other sections of the media – drama and music programs on radio, for instance, or cartoons and crosswords in newspapers. The role of the news media in informing the public is crucial, and it is essential that it be impartial.

The first step in writing a news article is to research the topic thoroughly. This is the most time-consuming part of the process. Having a clear understanding of the five Ws (who, what, where, when and why) is critical to crafting a story that will engage readers.

Next, the writer must decide what type of tone and style to use for the article. The style should reflect the target audience. For example, if the piece is about an accident that occurred in a city park, the writer should aim for a more lighthearted approach than if the piece were discussing zoning laws in a commercial district.

Once the writer has outlined the main facts, she should add any additional information that would help to further explain the subject. This may include contact information, statistics or quotes from interviews. Finally, the writer should include a conclusion that is either a restatement of the leading statement or that identifies any potential future developments regarding the topic.

Finally, the writer should proofread her work. While this is not an exact science, the more attention that is given to these steps, the better the quality of the final product will be. For this reason, it is important to take the time to carefully proofread each piece before submitting it for review.