Inventions and Criticism of Technology


Technology is the systematic application of knowledge to create artifacts. Technology is used in a wide variety of fields. This article will examine some of the inventions and their influence on everyday life. It will also discuss the critics of technology and the effects of technology on the economy. After reading this article, you should be more knowledgeable about what technology is and how it has shaped society.


Inventions in technology are created when an individual makes improvements to a process or product. These improvements may make the product or process more effective, durable, affordable, or convenient. They may also be environmentally friendly or aesthetically pleasing. Inventors often patent their innovations so they can make them available for sale.

A computer mouse, for example, is a great example of a technology invention. When early computers were small, they were controlled by hundreds of tiny sliders and buttons. The mouse’s round body and tail gave it its name, and it was invented by Douglas Engelbart in the 1960s. It was not until the 1980s that the computer mouse became a mainstream tool.

Impact on daily life

Technology has revolutionized our lives and has given us the opportunity to stay connected with the world around us. While this rapid evolution of technology has improved the quality of our lives, it may also be detrimental to our health. Overuse of mobile devices, social media, and other modern technology may cause eye strain and difficulty focusing, and it may even contribute to depression. Furthermore, the negative impact of technology on children may be more severe than we may think.

Technology is a part of our lives that we can’t imagine living without. It has made our lives easier, more accessible, and quicker than ever before. It has also helped improve the quality of our healthcare and education. It has also made the world a much smaller place to live in. Without technology, fulfilling human needs would be almost impossible. Though humans used to fulfill these needs long before the introduction of technology, it is only through the advancement of technology that human beings have been able to achieve more in life.

Criticism of technology in literature

Criticism of technology in literature is an emerging field. The discipline is similar to literary criticism in that it requires critical thinking, but it is different from it in several ways. First of all, it requires understanding the technology in question. This means that a technology critic must understand its functions and ethical implications. Second, a critic must be aware of the social and cultural implications of technological developments.

Technological developments have also changed how we read literature. As a result, there is a need for new reading theories that consider technological developments. A new genre called technocriticism has arisen as a result of these developments. In 1997, the journal Modern Fiction Studies published a special issue on the topic. In this issue, authors such as Katherine Hayles and Michael Joyce discussed how the new technology has changed the reading experience.

Impact on the economy

Technological advances have transformed many aspects of life and the economy. They offer better productivity, save time, and open new business opportunities. These changes are the primary drivers of long-term growth in an economy. And as the adoption of new technologies increases, economic activity also grows. These advances can improve the quality of life of workers and drive GDP growth.

However, there are downsides to technological innovations. The cost of implementing them is one of the biggest drags on productivity. Take the example of a physician who has a traditional practice and adds a virtual telehealth channel. This requires him to manage two channels, which adds to the cost of running the practice.