The Ethics of Technology


The Ethics of Technology can be viewed from several perspectives. These include the Instrumental view, the Neutrality thesis, and the ethical perspective. The moral dimensions of technology can also be examined through other disciplines. Those interested in the ethical implications of technology should review the following articles. They provide an overview of the issues surrounding technology.

Technological artifacts

Technological artifacts are special physical objects that have a specific use or function. This is in contrast to general physical objects, which do not have a specific function. For example, the airplane has a specific function to fly and is built in a specific way to achieve flight. These features make an airplane a technological artifact.

Technological artifacts are a result of human activities that have attempted to isolate certain causal properties from things in order to increase their capabilities. As such, technological artifacts are often a combination of many kinds of things, each with a different use. The earliest technological artifact was the wheel. It was a crucial technology that helped to create the first human machines.

Ethics of technology

The ethical implications of technology are many and varied. Many of these decisions are collective and made in social arrangements. These social arrangements change, and the ethical implications change accordingly. Hence, ethical issues related to technology are appropriate topics for the study of social arrangements. John Dewey, for instance, argued that ethics should be a scientific discipline and that it should consider the needs of people involved in technological arrangements.

The growth of surveillance technologies and computer monitoring devices raise questions about privacy, security, and human rights. Governments must consider the autonomy of individuals while designing these technologies. In some cases, the right to privacy is violated when the aim is to protect the public from harm. Computer monitoring devices and countermeasures by organizations can also compromise the privacy of employees.

Instrumental perspective

The instrumental perspective in technology is a way to think about technology that focuses on the use of technology. This perspective holds that humans intentionally use technology to help them achieve their goals, rather than using it to harm them. It gives engineers power and virtue, while instrumental pessimism assumes that humans will only use technology for evil. This perspective also emphasizes the role of humans in the development of new technologies. This theory has several implications for technology.

The instrumental perspective is often confused with technological determinism. Many historians of technology confuse the two concepts. Moreover, many technological enthusiasts embrace the instrumental definition of technology. They see technology as the embodiment of reason in the world, and technological utopians like Kevin Kelly symbolize this view. Nevertheless, there are also cultural views of technology, which recognizes the creative role of technology and how it affects human behavior.

Neutrality thesis

The Neutrality thesis in technology is a controversial claim based on the belief that technology is neutral with respect to values. The values that govern human endeavors are often the same as those that guide technological endeavors. Technology, for example, is guided by the values of effectiveness and efficiency. Thus, we cannot escape moral responsibility for what we use technology for.

However, this position is hardly a neutral one. For example, a Nazi minister, Albert Speer, denied responsibility for the systematic killing of Jews in the Holocaust. Speer claimed that he dealt with the technical aspects of building and facility design and had nothing to do with politics.

Synergistic relationship between technology and society

The Synergistic relationship between society and technology is an ongoing process that has existed since the dawn of humankind. It began with the development of simple tools and continues today with the developments of new technologies. In this article, we’ll look at some of the implications of the synergy and explore the possible implications of technology for society.

Technology can have both positive and negative impacts on society. It can cause drastic or subtle changes to the way people live or work. In addition, it can affect culture and politics.